Yet another year passes by.. A year of bruised economies, of Chinese sporting prowess, of terrorism at its devilish worst, of broken promises and pleasant surprises....... It brings with it the hope tho', that the future would certainly be better. Here's my list of who hit the target n who missed out..
Hits! n Heroes!
* Ratan Tata :
Because he made the world take stock of nano.
Because his punchline "Afterall a promise is a promise" meant, nano stayed a 1 lac car.
Because our former colonial rulers will now buy "Indian Owned" Jaguar Landrovers.
Because Phoenix Taj rose back from the ashes
Because hez the embodiment of a never say die Indian spirit.
Because hez Ratan Tata !
* Barrack Hussain Obama
A paradigm shift in the attitude of the American Public, to rise above racial lines meant Obama would be the first African American US President. Backed by a inspirational theme "The Change we need", he penetrated republican heartlands. The Americans swayed to the Pied Piper's tunes and his victory speech was the bottomline.."America will never be a collection of Red and Blue states. It always was.. and will be, the United States ".
* The Olympics
The Olympics saw its finest manifestation under the Dragons.The proceedings were mystifying. The world gaped in awe. The Chinese thumped the American dominance, establishing a new world order. Lightning Bolt and Blitzkrieg Phelps in action, set the records tumbling.True to its motto "One world, One dream", the success was of Olympic propotions.
* Abhinav Bindra
The toast of a billion people. A golden shot, that brought home the all elusive Gold medal. A salute, for providing us with the rare spectacle of our National flag being raised , punctuated by our national anthem on the background. A salute for providing us the goosebumps, that accompanied the same.
* Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar
Because Mt.Everest felt inferior to his world record pile of runs.
Because the Aussies were shown "Whoz the Boss ! ".
Because he provided the Chennai crowd, its long standing due. A century in a run chase.
Because hez Mr.Humility.
Because he still makes us skip a heartbeat when hez at the crease !
* Akshay Kumar
The Jubilee Kumar of the industry has fnally come of age. Helped by the dumbness of a generation who lapped up his supposed Magnum Opus, "Singh is Kinng", he stormed the once impregnable fortress at the top, that was King Khan.A burgeoning paycheck weathering the dreaded recession means, hez here to stay.
* Chandrayaan
India's scientific prowess was on display in its full flight. A nation rejoiced, as we joined a select band of The Elite, capable of futuristic technologies.
* Nuke Deal
Weathering many a storm, the Nuke deal stormed many a weather to finally find light at the end of the tunnel.As for the communists... Well.. Time waste.. Better move on to the next section folks!!..
Misses! n Zeroes !
* Sensex
The Bulls lost steam and the Bears ran riot. A constant bloodbath ensured that the bellwether index lost 52% by the year end. A return to yesteryears with FD's providing better returns.!
* Satyam
This Elephant slung mud onto itself. A blunder whose repercussions may signal that Satyam will never be the same again. Stakeholder fury reminded the Raju's, who runs the show. And then.. The World Bank struck a near fatal blow.
Result : A Reputation and Credibility badly battered.
* The Indian Hockey Team
A pathetic performance meant that Hockey @ Olympics won't have India for the first time since it inception. Time to stem the Rot.... But do we start from scratch??..
*The Hadron Collider Experiment
CERN's attempts at recreating the Big-Bang theory flopped. A helium leak ensured that the project would be set back by a considerable time.
* Terrorism
Mumbai reeled, as terrorism struck.. right at India's heart. A nation watched helplessly as the hostage seige lasted a full 72 hrs. Mumbaikars would certainly remember this year.. Not for the way it had been.. But for the way it had not been.
* The Australian Cricket team
Because their feet were grounded finally.
Because they realised the rule of nature.. Whatever goes up.. must come down.
Because unlike the Golden Age Windies, the aussies were never admired.
Because therez no Gilly,Mcgrath or Warney anymore.
Because Punter is finally getting his due.
Because Down under, they were down and under...
On a parting note, A salute to our heroes Omble,Karkare,Sandeep and others who laid down their lives for a nation's cause.
Cheers for a happy new year.Live life to the fullest. Explore, inspire, smile, Admire, imagine and do take good care.. Tschus...
Pluck Out Your Eyes
3 days ago