"I dont even butter my bread, I consider that cooking !!"
First of all let me make one thing clear..Am a staunch follower of d above statement.Atleast I was. Then..... I started cooking !! :)
Cooking... Well.. sounds outright Greek and Latin to me.The only memories of my involvement with cooking that lingers on, is me helping out my mother in cutting some veggies,which in turn she'd prohibit me from doing, lest I should make a mockery out of it.I for one, can always draw parallels between wartime situations and the subject of discussion.All geared up, ammunitions in place, U start proceeding. One wrong step, and u are doomed.(doomed with a capital D)
Thought of putting this blog across in a conversation mode.. Let me introduce the characters,My first roomie Rafi, who I swear is the best cook I've known(Atleast after my mom!!) and Karthik,who atleast is prudent in technical aspects of the art and ofcourse theres this good for nothing me.....Wait.. Make that good for something..(Eating what they cook provides the transformation here !! :))Lets get started..
Rafi : What do we make blokes??
Me : Anything edible would do !! :)
Karks: We'l try out sambar today...
Rafi :(Sheepishly).. Well guys.. I don't have a damn idea how thats made.
karks : What, I thought u'd be adept at that.
Then.. the attention turned towards me..
Me: Hey... Y do u guys even bother to look at me??.. I can always eat whwtevr u can make.
Rafi : No probs guys... Lets give it a shot.. I've got a vague picture of how it can be done..
Here.. we were all set..
Rafi : De adi, anda thovaram parupa edu da..
Me : Now, for me.. locatin this goddamn thing was more difficult than sniffing out osama from his den. (Defeatedly..) Machi.. Neeye vandu edu da... Edhunu therla..
Rafi : Periya parupu mari pona??... (Now that was a comment!).. Moves menacingly towards the cupboard.. stops... gapes.. Dei.. Enada rendu parupu dabba iruku!!.. Idhula edhu da thovaram parupu??
Me : (With a downright irked up look).. Dei.. Idhuku than ivlo effecta potiya da... Atleast I accepted my ignorance..
Rafi : Vidra maapi.. Ariyamaiya enikume velipadutha koodadu!!..
Karks : To hell with u guys!!..(Picks up a box and hands over).. Idhu thanda thovaram parupu..
Me : Now that the identification part of the target is over, we can proceed with our execution.!!
Karks : Vetti scene ku onum korachal ila..
And then after following some preliminary steps, we proceeded in our amateurish way..
Karks : Do keep track of the cooker whistles.. We need to stop as and when it sounds five..
Cooking I believe is an art thats innate to certain folks. If at all I can proclaim myself to be a pro after a couple of decent cooking outings, I'd be commiting heresy.But in all eventuality I may call myself a pro,in cooking up this blog atleast..:)
To ward off time till that happened, we positioned ourselves before the TV. To our joy, we found Shah Rukh Khan,lighting up the stage with a thundering performance, at a filmfare awards ceremony.. As was expected we were heavily engrossed in the proceedings and inevitably, lost track of our cooking expedition. By the time we could realize, it was already half an hr since we set up the sambar!! Suddenly Rafi cried out in dismay "Our sambar!!"..We all barged into the kitchen striking up a frenetic pace.
Me : Anything edible would do !! :)
Karks: We'l try out sambar today...
Rafi :(Sheepishly).. Well guys.. I don't have a damn idea how thats made.
karks : What, I thought u'd be adept at that.
Then.. the attention turned towards me..
Me: Hey... Y do u guys even bother to look at me??.. I can always eat whwtevr u can make.
Rafi : No probs guys... Lets give it a shot.. I've got a vague picture of how it can be done..
Here.. we were all set..
Rafi : De adi, anda thovaram parupa edu da..
Me : Now, for me.. locatin this goddamn thing was more difficult than sniffing out osama from his den. (Defeatedly..) Machi.. Neeye vandu edu da... Edhunu therla..
Rafi : Periya parupu mari pona??... (Now that was a comment!).. Moves menacingly towards the cupboard.. stops... gapes.. Dei.. Enada rendu parupu dabba iruku!!.. Idhula edhu da thovaram parupu??
Me : (With a downright irked up look).. Dei.. Idhuku than ivlo effecta potiya da... Atleast I accepted my ignorance..
Rafi : Vidra maapi.. Ariyamaiya enikume velipadutha koodadu!!..
Karks : To hell with u guys!!..(Picks up a box and hands over).. Idhu thanda thovaram parupu..
Me : Now that the identification part of the target is over, we can proceed with our execution.!!
Karks : Vetti scene ku onum korachal ila..
And then after following some preliminary steps, we proceeded in our amateurish way..
Karks : Do keep track of the cooker whistles.. We need to stop as and when it sounds five..
Cooking I believe is an art thats innate to certain folks. If at all I can proclaim myself to be a pro after a couple of decent cooking outings, I'd be commiting heresy.But in all eventuality I may call myself a pro,in cooking up this blog atleast..:)
To ward off time till that happened, we positioned ourselves before the TV. To our joy, we found Shah Rukh Khan,lighting up the stage with a thundering performance, at a filmfare awards ceremony.. As was expected we were heavily engrossed in the proceedings and inevitably, lost track of our cooking expedition. By the time we could realize, it was already half an hr since we set up the sambar!! Suddenly Rafi cried out in dismay "Our sambar!!"..We all barged into the kitchen striking up a frenetic pace.
We couldnt believe what we saw. Crestfallen, we picked up the overcooked sambar and started pondering patchup works."An artist's briliance, I'd say, lies in his ability to coverup his shortcomings!".. In the same vein,we proceeded..Adding a pinch of salt,then some masala powder,water and literaly whatever we could lay our hands upon..After finishing up, I took the plunge and tasted it.. Hey. tastes great guys!!.. And I bet the other blokes seconded my opinion that my tastebuds were in place atleast!!.
Just as we prepared to eat up, the doorbell rang.. Here, I guess is space enough to introduce one more character.. Bhai!!
Just as we prepared to eat up, the doorbell rang.. Here, I guess is space enough to introduce one more character.. Bhai!!
Bhai : Ena machi.. Enada samayal iniku??..
Me : Hey.. welcome... Join us..
Bhai : (Tasting our sambar).. Machi !!.. Rasam super!!....
All three of us gave that baffling look..All our attempts of making sambar had gone down the drain with that comment. Atleast he din't know the truth!!
Me : Dei.. Enadu.. Rasama!!.. (Then I held myself back).. Ama machi.. That was indeed rasam... Nala iruku ila.. We dont take much pains cooking it up.. adhan.
Sometimes.. The best compliments are received when u least expect them !! :)
Me : Hey.. welcome... Join us..
Bhai : (Tasting our sambar).. Machi !!.. Rasam super!!....
All three of us gave that baffling look..All our attempts of making sambar had gone down the drain with that comment. Atleast he din't know the truth!!
Me : Dei.. Enadu.. Rasama!!.. (Then I held myself back).. Ama machi.. That was indeed rasam... Nala iruku ila.. We dont take much pains cooking it up.. adhan.
Sometimes.. The best compliments are received when u least expect them !! :)
End of story !!
I cant stop smiling.. Good beginning.. idhellaam vaazhkaiyil sagajamappa..:-)
Something that might make you feel better.. you are not alone.. ;-)
lol!! Adi, Better luck next time ;-)
Enanamo seiyara, idhayum senju thaan paaru :)
I think i am next in the queue to try my luck..
And hey, Munish?? commenting?? wait a minute.....
Yes, it IS raining here..
dude good one . At least u made at attempt :-) . But we learn every thing my making mistakes don we ( cycling ) but in cooking the victim is always the visitor :-)
Dont worry dude.Every king was once a crying baby.
Watch Ratatouille to learn How to become a cook even if u r rat.
The worst dish would be the one which doesnt even qualify to become a side dish of the liquor party.
Nice blog anyway :) keep it coming.
Dei adi,
Thirumba Sambar (athavthu rasam) vacha kupudnga da.. nanum varen..
Adhi the "cooker"!!!! ;-)
dei adhi,
wonderful article da.. reminiscent of our CIT days!! the language used was typical but would have been happier if you had not censored some the more ghaleej words that must have surely popped out during the conversation :-)...
PS: I am an equally bad cook but devour just about anything that is served :-)
Well... good one. next time when u start cooking call up amma and ask her how to do it. she might stay on the phone the whole time and explain!!
dat was awesome! :P ;)
LOL ROTFL .... Bhai\s entry cracked me up.
Am sure you are a much better cook now dude..and am even more sure you can make sambar variety-varietyaaaa ;)
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